Title: "Welcoming the New Year with Open Hearts and Minds"

Dear Sunshine Martha Everette Ruth Lamar community, As we step into the dawn of a new year, we extend the warmest of welcomes to all our cherished readers. Whether you're a returning friend or a new member of our community, we're thrilled to have you embark on this journey with us. To kick off the year with inspiration and unity, we begin with a beautiful poem from the heart of TL Savage, featured in her second poetry book 'I Mean': "We embrace the act of selfless giving, reaching out to touch lives around the world. Optimize the word of our LORD, we feel the strength of HIS messages. In unison, we faithfully believe, the prophets and prophetess who inspire us to grow, acknowledging GOD’s Acceptance, blessing us to know. That all things through HIM are possible, That all things through him are possible, That all things through him are possible. Now let’s go." This powerful verse sets the tone for our journey together. At Sunshine Martha Everette Ruth Lamar, we embrace the changes in mind, body, and spirit that come with the turning of the calendar. This is a time for self-reflection, growth, and connection. Connecting with Resources in the City: In the spirit of embracing change, we encourage you to explore the resources our vibrant city has to offer. From wellness programs to community events, there are opportunities to enrich your mind, nurture your body, and uplift your spirit. Keep an eye on our upcoming posts for specific linkages to valuable resources. Open Hearts and Minds: As we navigate the year ahead, let's keep our hearts and minds open to new possibilities, embracing the power of community and self-improvement. Whether it's a local event, a self-help resource, or a heartwarming story, we're here to share, inspire, and connect. Get in Touch: Your thoughts, stories, and suggestions are invaluable to us. Feel free to reach out, share your experiences, or inquire about any topics you'd like us to explore together. Here's to a year of growth, connection, and shared experiences. Together, let's make 2024 a chapter filled with positivity, resilience, and joy. With warmth and optimism, AdminSavage Sunshine Martha Everette Ruth Lamar Nonprofit 
Title: "Manifesting Your Dreams: The Power of Vision Boards and Dream Statements" Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and intentional living! In this blog post, we'll explore the transformative power of vision boards and dream statements—two dynamic tools that can turn your aspirations into reality. Unveiling the Magic of Vision Boards: Vision boards are more than just collages of pretty pictures—they're visual roadmaps to your dreams. Clarity through Collage: Dive into the creative process of crafting your vision board. Cut out images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your goals for the new year. As you arrange them on your board, the act of visually expressing your desires brings clarity and focus. Daily Inspiration: Place your vision board where you'll see it daily. Let it serve as a constant reminder of your dreams and aspirations. The visual stimulation reinforces your goals, making them a part of your daily consciousness. Crafting Dream Statements: Dream statements are concise, powerful affirmations that crystallize your goals into words. Powerful Affirmations: Start by crafting affirmations that resonate with your dreams. Make them powerful, positive, and present tense. For example, "I am confidently advancing in my career," or "I attract abundance and prosperity effortlessly." Repeat these statements daily to reinforce a positive mindset. Anchor Your Intentions: Write your dream statements in a dedicated journal or on sticky notes placed where you'll see them often. These statements act as anchors, grounding your intentions and reminding you of the limitless possibilities you're working towards. New Year, New Beginnings: As we step into the new year, let's harness the energy of fresh starts and growth potential. Start by setting aside time to create your vision board and craft your dream statements. Embrace the process with an open heart and a clear vision of the incredible year ahead. Remember, your dreams are the compass guiding you toward a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Stay tuned for upcoming posts as we delve deeper into the art of intentional living and turning dreams into reality. Happy envisioning, Admin Savage post description.

12/24/20231 min read

"Change is the only constant, so let's embrace it! Whether it's a new routine, a mindset shift, or a career move, approach change as an opportunity for growth and positive transformation."


"Embrace the canvas of the New Year! 🎉✨ As we bid farewell to the old, let's craft our visions for 2024. Grab your dreams, glue them with determination, and paint your path to success. Cheers to a year of endless possibilities! 🌟🎨 #NewYearNewVisions #DreamCrafting"